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Experience TBTST Sharks

We're pleased to EAT you!

Arvot Basketball
Prekadima Getting Messy
The Champ
Bonding Time
Kadima Convention
Shabbat Sharks
Food Games
Challah Baking
Home: Welcome

Who are the TBTST Sharks?

Our home is at Temple Beth Torah Sha’aray Tzedek and our chapter is associated with the United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism, the organization of Conservative congregations in North America.


Chapter Events

Each chapter event is designed for fun!  Weekday events include games, mixers, competitions, getting messy, Israeli cultural activities or Social Action projects. We also have many holiday celebrations, Youth Shabbaton,  and our favorite, Chapter Weekend! Chapter weekend is a fun and exciting bonding experience for everyone in 3rd through 12th grade.  We also celebrate together with an end of year banquet in the Spring!

Sub Regional, Regional and International Events

We are part of something big! Our chapter is in the Arvot sub-region and Hanegev Region. There are many sub-regional and regional events held throughout the year which let you meet friends from other chapters. Every year we have Arvot Kickoff, Arvot USY and Kadima Conventions, Arvot Turkey Trot, International Convention and the Arvot Basketball or Kickball Tournament.  There is also a Hanegev Regional Convention in the Spring. These are just some of the amazing things you’re invited to do with us as part of the Sharks!

USY Summer Programs

 Wheels, Israel & Europe, and Dream Programs

There are several travel opportunities through USY for you to be a part of during the summer. These programs are for a few weeks over summer and are a great way to make friends and travel the world. There are also opportunities for first year college students to spend time living on a kibbutz in Israel.

For more information please come see us at the next event! We’d love to see you!

Home: Who We Are
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